Thursday, December 24, 2015

Happy Holidays From PNF

It’s here and just in time for the Holidays! 

After months of preparing and planning we are excited to announce that the new and improved PNF is here!!  We invite you to come in and check out the facility. Our new facility is over 3x our old size and we are 5x better than our old selves. 

Here is some of what we have added:
  • Larger facility and more equipment
  • Locker Rooms and Showers
  • More Small Group Session times (2016 schedule)
  • More Functional Cycle Session times (2016 schedule)
  • Functional Boxing Sessions (2016 schedule)
  • Functional Recovery Sessions (2016 schedule)
  • Treadmills
  • PNF Shake Bar and Lounge

      Additionally, we have a create a Facebook Members Only Page (PNF Members Page) that will contain club updates, special members only promos and specials, and more. If you haven't joined the group do so now.
      Holiday Hours:
      December 24th, 5:30am - noon
      December 25th, Closed
      December 26th, Closed
      December 31st, 5:30am -noon
      January 1st, Closed

     We hope that you all have a happy and safe Holiday Season!

      We Change Lives!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Hi PNF members, unfortunately we just found out we have not received our occupancy permit yet due to small issues that the contractor needs to address.  Unfortunately despite our best efforts we will not be able to open our doors until Monday December 20st at 5:30 am, resuming our normal schedule. We apologize and are as disappointed about this news as you are. We will have been closed 10 business days those days will be added on to the end of everyone's memberships. To keep your workouts going here is another workout to insure that you maintain your progress. We do have phone service so if you have any questions feel free to call

1 minute plank
30 sec. side plank each side

repeat 3x

10 push ups
10 ea SL RDLS
10 Squats
10 ea mountain climbers
10 ea Tall plank with shoulder touch

30:30 burpees 6x

Monday, December 7, 2015


Hey PNF Members, things as with moving usually does is not going as planned due to Marshall Twp. We unfortunately have to push back our opening date due to getting our occupancy permit. SO we do apologize but WE WILL NOT BE OPENING OUR NEW DOORS UNTIL WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16TH AT 5:45 AM. Until then here are a few workouts that you can do while at home.

Body Weight Circuit
Warm Up:
World’s Greatest Stretch 
Knee Hugs x 10 each
Wave Squat x 10
       dbl hip bridge 10
       quadruped t-spine 10 ea
       standing ankle mobility 10 ea
       wall slides 10
Plank 2 x 1 min.
SL Glute Bridge 2 x 10 each
Rest 30 seconds after each set

Squat x 10
Lunge on right x 5
Lunge on left x 5
Push Up x 10
Mountain Climber x 10 each
Jumping Jacks x 30s
Rest 30-90 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.

Walk 20 minutes each day. 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow.

hip flexor stretch x 30 seconds
dbl hip bridge 10
quadruped t-spine 10 ea
standing ankle mobility 10 ea
wall slides 10
wave squat  10
knee hugs  10 ea
toy soldiers 10 ea

met con workout
30:30 3-5 times
Bw speed squats
Alternating t-plank
Speed skaters
Push ups
Alternating reverse lunge
Get up sit ups
Split squat
Single leg hip bridge