Thursday, September 17, 2015

What Is A Workout?

What Is A Workout?
By: George Allen

A workout is 25 percent perspiration and 75 percent determination. Stated another way, it is one part physical exertion and three parts self-discipline. Doing it is easy once you get started.

A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday. It strengthens the body, relaxes the mind, and toughens the spirit. When you work out regularly, your problems diminish and your confidence grows.

A workout is a personal triumph over laziness and procrastination. It is the badge of a winner-- the mark of an organized, goal-oriented person who has taken charge of his, or her, destiny.

A workout is a wise use of time and an investment in excellence. It is a way of preparing for life's challenges and proving to yourself that you have what it takes to do what is necessary. 

A workout is a key that helps unlock the door to opportunity and success. Hidden within each of us is an extraordinary force. Physical and mental fitness are the triggers that can release it.

A workout is a form of rebirth. When you finish a good workout, you don't simply feel better, YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF!

Frequent Sweaters - August 2015
Mark Paulson
Abigail Tillison
Tom DePra
Julianne Schlueb
Carol Scanga
Maria Hudock
Chris McCuen
Donna Hall
Richard Kim
Gretchen McNaughton
Jan Hutchison
Deborah Hessinger
Deanne Braksator
Rick Macklin
Maura McDonough
Angelina Donatelli
Barb Bain
Frank Zappala
Jeff Woods
Ron Schall
Beth Schall
Melanie West
Mary Ann Farrell
Annette Cancelmi
Judy McDonough
Eleanor Sargent
Andrea Morse
Teresa Siriani
Claire Hartman
Amy Pusateri
Yvonne Hawkins
Mary Lou Shenot
Terry Mosco
Patti Hasselbusch
Leanna Hart
Lisa Paulson
Paul Pusateri
David Goldstein
Ann Valcarcel
Kim Hays
Ken Ross
Susan Kim
Emma Baime
Greg Muiter
Jude Ince
Lori Ross
Nancy Baime
Great job PNFer's on getting 8+ visits!!

Monthly MyZone MEPer's
1000 MEP Club
Claire Hartman
Deanne Braksator
Gretchen McNaughton
Jackie Saladino
Amy Pusateri
David Goldstein
Judy Antimarino
Mary Ann Farrell
Melanie West

2000 MEP Club
Lisa Paulson
Mark Paulson
Lori Ross
Greg Muiter
Paul Pusateri
Deborah Hessinger

3000 MEP Club
Chris McCuen
Mary Lou Shenot
We Change Lives!

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