We all want results right? Is there a better way to achieve results than what you are doing right now? Absolutely, stop thinking about your 45 minute workout as a obligation. It is a lifestyle adjustment. You want results, well you have to work for them in every aspect of your life. The way you eat, the way you sleep, and the fluids you drink all matter. Think of your body as a machine, if it is not well oiled and serviced does it work right? No, proper fuel, rest, and recovery is essential for results and feeling great as a whole. We touch base on this a lot but, it is a very important concept to talk about. Reminding you as this idea gets lost, or pushed lower on the list due to busy life styles.
Have a clear mind during your workout. Focus not only on what you are doing but how you are feeling is vital to gaining results. Being able to carry on a conversation while you are working out means you are not focused. Exercise is a time for you to clear your mind from everything you have going on in your life. That doesn't mean on your breaks can't shoot the breeze with the people you are working out with, but each rep should be focused. Also, cheering on your peers accomplishments should be celebrated!
Now that you have gotten your awesome workout in, you go home and start snacking on chips, popcorn, candy, alcohol, and more right? Wrong, your body is craving nutrients that actually will help your recovery and well being. Before you eat something stop and think what nutritional value am I going to get from these pretzels, none. However, if you swapped them out for a fruit or vegetable with peanut butter you will be getting vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and essential calories that will be used for energy and burned, not stored as fat.
Sleep, hydration, and recovery go hand in hand. While you sleep your body recovers and restores the damage from the day. Regrowing and replacing cells, restoring muscle tissue and so much more. This is why sleep is so important in fighting everything from; muscle break down and exhaustion, to mental capacity, building muscle and fighting fat. Sleep and hydration are the MOST important functions to life (besides breathing yes I know) to keep your body alive. The more rested you feel the harder you can push in your workouts, and the healthier you will want to eat. You will now have the energy to cut, wash, and cook up healthy meals, not pull into the drive through. You won't feel weighed down after dinner, so will you go on a walk and achieve those 10,000 steps a day. These are all important steps that build on each other to give you a happier healthier life style.
Life is short we get that. But, we want you to enjoy life. Yes you can indulge occasionally, however there are times and places for everything. You can not indulge everyday and cheat a little every day and expect fast results. A candy bar here, and chips there or cake after dinner on a daily basis add up over time. Exercise is not hard, it is work. The hard part is eating right, sleeping well, and keeping your body hydrated on a daily basis. Exercise is not the enemy, it is your ally in beating the bulge and improving your health.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 4-week Swim Suit challenge we are so proud of all of you who worked hard and really made the best of the program. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your hard work pay off.
We Change Lives!
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