Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Website and Scheduling

As many of you know or may not know yet we are in the process of re-doing our website, it is not done yet and is still a work in progress. However the scheduler for classes is currently not on the website the scheduler is not apart of our website and is in fact its own website the link is just not there at this time and will be back on the website when it is complete. In the mean time you can still schedule for classes you will just have to go to www.mindbodyonline.com it is the same website you normally schedule through. We are sorry for any confusion and inconvenience. 

Holiday Hours
We will be open tomorrow Wednesday December 24th from 5:30am until Noon
CLOSED on Christmas day Thursday the 25th
Open at 8am until 6pm on Friday December 26th
Normal Hours on Saturday
Wednesday December 31st New Years Eve 5:30am until Noon
CLOSED on New Years Day Thursday January 1st

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas hours/ at home workout

Christmas hours!
Wednesday December 24th 5:30am-Noon
Thursday December 25th CLOSED Merry Christmas
Friday December 26th 8am-Noon
Saturday December 27th 8am-11am
Monday and Tuesday Regular Hours
Wednesday New Years Eve 5:30am-Noon
Thursday January 1st CLOSED Happy New Year
We hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas and New Year

Thank you all so much to everyone who donated!

And thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas party on Friday it was alot of fun and we ended up raising $400 for Toys For Tots!!

We are closed on Christmas and New Years but if you still want to get an at home work out in here is a body weight circuit and weighted circuit (if you have weights at home) to use!

Body Weight Circuit
Warm Up:
            World’s Greatest Stretch x 30 seconds
            Knee Hugs x 10 each
            Wave Squat x 10

            Plank 2 x 1 min.
            SL Glute Bridge     2 x 10 each
            Rest 30 seconds after each set

            Squat                         x 10
            Lunge on right       x 5
            Lunge on left          x 5
            Push Up                   x 10
            Mountain Climber           x 10 each
            Jumping Jacks        x 30s

            Rest 30-90 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.

                                                         Dumbbell Strength
Warm up
Hip Flexor Stretch 30 sec each
DBL Hip Bridge 10 
Quadruped T-Spine 10 each side
Wall Slides 10
Wave Squat 5
Knee Hugs 5 each
Toy Soliders 5 each
Lateral Lunge 10 each
Inch Worm 10
Front Plank 2-3 sets for 1 minute rest 45 seconds in between

Squat Jump 2-3 sets 8 reps rest 60s in between sets
set 1
2 DB Front Squat
3 Pt DB Row
Hip Flexor Stretch  (30 seconds)
all 2-3 sets 12 reps each
rest one minute after complete set

set 2
Push ups
DB RDL & Row
SL Hip Bridge
all 2-3 sets 12 reps each
rest one minute after complete set

Mountain Climbers 4 times 20:20

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Eating to build Muscle

Here is part of a good article we found called "Harness the Power of your Muscle" this part briefly talks about branching out from your "norm" and what you think your eating that is healthy but actually may not be. It is all about building muscle and restoring it,that is what will tone up those arms or legs you have to build muscle and lose fat to get that sleek toned look.

Get-Big Fuel
Eating to build muscle
Most people think they've cracked the dietary code for larger, stronger, muscles: protein with a side of protein. Well, new research-especially on the connective tissue that holds your muscle together and connects them to bone-suggest it's not that simple. Not only is all protein not created equal but not all carbs are evil, liquid egg whites are an unnecessary evil, oysters are amazingly good for you, and one fish held in high, healthy esteem may actually be terrible for you. With help from Brian St. Pierre, M.S.,R.D., a nutrition coach for Precision Nutrition we offer the nine new guidelines for stocking a muscle-building fridge and eating away. (Just remember to keep working out)

Rule No. 1
Fish Carefully
Low in calories and price Tilapia is one of the best selling fish in the country. But it's usually farmed, and that may pose health risks-a recent Wake Forest University study found that farmed Tilapia contains high levels of omega-6 fats, which trigger inflammation in the body. Instead, opt for salmon. Rich in protein and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats- four grams per 1/2 fillet- it also provides high levels of more than a dozen different vitamins and minerals including vitamin D and vitamin B12

Rule No 2
Eat Beyond the Breast
Skinless chicken breast meat is a staple among bodybuilders, but according to St. Pierre, most guys don't realize that the whole bird is fair game. "it's a great source of protein goes with just about any other kind of food, and is reasonably priced."" Just keep in mind: the skin and dark meat contain fat, so adjust your portions accordingly.

Rule No.3
Not all Beef is created equal
Sure top sirloin may be on the expensive side, but you get what you pay for (at least in terms of health). It has a lot more protein (26 grams in a three ounce serving) and far less fat than lesser, cheaper, more popular cuts such as chuck or round. But don't worry: the good stuff retains "enough fat to keep it juicy and tasty, but not so much that it outweighs the protein says St. Pierre.

Rule No. 4
Save your yolks
Stop buying liquid egg whites-now! You're wasting your time. Whole eggs are some of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet, says St. Pierre who argues that the real thing is far better for you than the watered-down stuff that comes in a milk carton. "Real eggs are loaded with brain boosting choline and zeaxanthin for eye health. The saturated fat and cholesterol they contain doesn't affect cholesterol levels in your blood

Rule No.5
Forget the Full Paleo, Embrace the potato
Miles of research suggest that a  low carb diet won't build muscle for long. The energy you need to train and recover from your training comes from carbohydrates, and one large potato, contains 63 grams worth and 7 grams of fiber. We recommend sweet potatoes, which are nutritionally dense and jammed with potassium a mineral essential for muscle health

Rule No. 6
Eat oats for Breakfast
Pre-workout drinks and caffeine have their place, but eating the right carbs can provide consistent, lasting energy throughout the day with no crashing. "one cup of oats provides 166 calories four grams of fiber six grams of protein and eight vitamins and minerals" says St. Pierre. "And it's a slow digesting carb" meaning it wont cause a big spike in blood sugar and send your energy crashing later.

Rule No. 7
Always have nuts to snack on
Avoiding fats entirely to save calories is coasting you on a chemical level. "Consuming adequate fats is critical for maintaining testosterone levels," says St. Pierre And the more testosterone you have the greater your potential to be big and strong. One serving of nuts or nut butter offers 16 grams of healthy fat , "as well as a powerful assortment of phytonutrients and antioxidants to boost your health and recovery."

Rule No. 8
Get Jiggly with it
Jell-o is great for building muscles. (yes you read that correctly. And no, we don't think your 12) It's composed of gelatin, which is made directly from the connective tissue of animals (the slow boiled tendons, ligaments, and sometimes bones of cows and pigs). Eating it will boost your own tendons and ligaments.

Rule No. 9
Mollusks for Muscles
Oysters are a major source of copper, which not only helps build collagen for your connective tissue but also spurs production of lysyl oxidase which in turn stimulates production of collagen and elastin

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Happy December!

It's that time of the year again - Christmas is here! And we are going to celebrate with a Christmas Party at DF! Friends and Family are welcome. $5 donation per person for "Toys for Tots". Foods and drinks provided. Cornhole tournament - $5 buy in, winning team gets $50 grand prize - remaining benefits "Toys for Tots" We will have a sign up sheet available for you to let us know if you are coming and if anyone is coming with you so we can have a head count!  Friday December 12th from 6:00pm -9:30pm. 

Congratulations to all Rock Your Jeans Contestants who fit in their jeans after 8 weeks!! You Rocked it 

The Gift of Fitmas
DF has a special gift bag for that person you just don't know what to shop for or the friend or family member who wants to get started into a new healthy routine or take their results to the next level. For $99 they get a 30 Day membership pass for 6 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited After Burn and Burn Zone along with Functional Cycle, 6 Recovery Shakes Dotfit Active Multivitamin and Dotfit Super Omega. This is over a $300 Value. 

Peppermint Mochas are back! DF's Shakes of the month are back again for another year. Gingerbread, Peppermint Patty and Peppermint mocha. These yummy healthy alternatives to your Starbucks Holiday Favorites are only here for a limited time get them before they are gone! 

Frequent Sweaters
John Friel, Ann Miner, Vicki Rothermel, Adrienne Rively, Terry Mosco, Annette Cancelmi, Kathy Weber Clark, Natalie Bishop, Jackie Saladino, Michael Sulkoske, Debby Roble, Julianne Schlueb, Christi Eyler, Linda Bagley, Teresa Marzo, Carol Scanga, Amy Pusateri, Robin Jimerson, Mary Ann Rusbarsky, Kerry Schurman, Paula Heinricher, Joyce McGuirk, Chris Mccuen, Eleanor Sargent, Abigail Tillison, John Tillison, Mary Lou Shenot, Susann Enica, Mary Ann Farrell, Kim Hays, Mary Eyler, Melanie West, Frank Zappala, Ken Ross, Lori Ross, Kelly Calloway, Paul Pusateri, David Goldstein, Denny Allerton, Sheryl Simon.

Congratulations Guys, keep that up the month of December! The holidays are a wonderful time of year but don't let all your stress and distractions of what you have to do let you put your 45 mins a day 3x a week on the back burner. 

Happy Happy Birthday Guys
Susann Enica
Mary Kate Mackenzie
Judy Robison
Michael Sulkoske
Melissa Chapman
Ann Miner
Mary Ann Salzman
Mary Lou Shenot
Carol Scanga

Welcome New Members of November
Natalie B., Cindy D, Gerry M, and Dorthy B

We Change Lives!