Thursday, January 23, 2014

5 Reasons Why You Should Compete In The "New Year, New You Challenge"

Reason #1
Your team could win $3,000!! - that's $1,000 per person.

Reason #2
You said you'd get in shape in 2014. Well, here is your chance. 8-weeks from now you will be in better shape, fit into your clothes better, and feel better about yourself. But, you have to start and the "New Year, New You" Challenge is a great place to start.

Reason #3
It's fun. A little friendly competition is never a bad thing and you will meet new workout buddies who are supportive of your goal.

Reason #4
It's 148 days until summer and that means bathing suit season.

Reason #5
Our newest edition to DF dotFit Nutrition will be incorporated to keep you on track with your eating and help you get the best results possible.

Ready to participate?

It's $100 to enroll and be eligible to win the Grand Prize of $3,000*. The challenge will start February 3rd, 2014 and run for 8 weeks. You do not have to be a member to participate and special memberships packages will be available for nonmembers. Call today 724-934-2000 to reserve your spot.
*Must have a total of 30 participants or Grand Prize amount will be adjusted.
We Change Lives!

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