Thursday, January 30, 2014

Why Your BMI Is B.S.

Many people, especially the medical community, use BMI (body mass index) to determine healthy bodyweight. But, is this the best indicator?

First, lets start with a short history of BMI. BMI was originally developed in 1832 by the Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet as a way to determine the "normal" man, but never intended for the equation, which is weight equals height squared, to be used to determine body fatness.

However, it has become a common way to determine appropriate bodyweight for individuals due to its simplicity. The problem arises when workout regularly and add muscle mass to your body. Many regular exercisers, especially those who strength train, will have low and healthy body fat levels, but have a high BMI level that says they are "overweight" or even "obese" when in reality they are not.

For the general population of nonexerisers the BMI can be a good reference, but for regular exercisers pay no attention to your BMI and instead focus on your percentage of body fat.
We Change Lives!

Want to Win $3,000?
Then come and participate in our 4th Annual "New Year, New You" Body Transformation Challenge. It's $100 to enroll and be eligible to win the Grand Prize of $3,000*. The challenge will start February 3rd, 2014 and run for 8 weeks. You do not have to be a member to participate and special memberships packages will be available for nonmembers. Call today 724-934-2000 to reserve your spot.

*Must have a minimum of 30 participants or Grand Prize amount will be adjusted.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

5 Reasons Why You Should Compete In The "New Year, New You Challenge"

Reason #1
Your team could win $3,000!! - that's $1,000 per person.

Reason #2
You said you'd get in shape in 2014. Well, here is your chance. 8-weeks from now you will be in better shape, fit into your clothes better, and feel better about yourself. But, you have to start and the "New Year, New You" Challenge is a great place to start.

Reason #3
It's fun. A little friendly competition is never a bad thing and you will meet new workout buddies who are supportive of your goal.

Reason #4
It's 148 days until summer and that means bathing suit season.

Reason #5
Our newest edition to DF dotFit Nutrition will be incorporated to keep you on track with your eating and help you get the best results possible.

Ready to participate?

It's $100 to enroll and be eligible to win the Grand Prize of $3,000*. The challenge will start February 3rd, 2014 and run for 8 weeks. You do not have to be a member to participate and special memberships packages will be available for nonmembers. Call today 724-934-2000 to reserve your spot.
*Must have a total of 30 participants or Grand Prize amount will be adjusted.
We Change Lives!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish oil is one of the few supplements that we highly recommend our clients take. There are numerous reasons for this, some of which are listed below. But, before we get to that it should be noted that not all fish oil is equal.

When choosing a high-quality fish oil there are some things to look for. First, you want one that is made from deep sea, cold-water fish, specifically anchovies and sardines, these will have will have the lowest levels of mercury in them because they are smaller fish. Second, you want to make sure that it has at least 1 gram or 1000 milligrams of EPA and DHA combined. Many of the cheaper brands will not have this high of an amount of EPA and DHA. And third, you don't want one that contains high levels of Omega-6 or 9. Omega-3 fish oil is anti-inflammatory and Omega-6 and 9 are pro-inflammatory, meaning that they cause inflammation (there is a benefit to these, but our diets tend to already be high in Omega-6 and 9 because these can be found in grains and tend to be high in our diets).

So now for the benefits:

  • Research has found that fish oil improves cognitive function. Most likely due to the fact that DHA is the most prevalent fatty acid in the brain.
  • Research has shown that fish oil leads to healthier arteries.
  • There has been an associate link between fish oil consumption and fat loss.
  • Helps to reduce inflammation.
  • And many more...
We recommend Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega as the best choice, but there are many others out there.

We Change Lives!

Wanna Win $3,000?
Who doesn't? Compete in our annual "New Year, New You" Challenge and your team could win $3,000. Here's how it works - compete in teams of three, $100 to register (members or nonmembers), the challenge starts February 3rd and ends March 29th. The team to lose the highest percentage body wins the $3,000 Grand Prize*! Call 724-934-2000 today for more details or t reserve your spot on a team.
*Grand Prize subject to change if less than 30 people participate.

Monday, January 13, 2014


The other day I was chatting with a gym member. She just joined the gym a few weeks ago. The problems she faces:
-Shes tried just about every weight-loss program on earth and can't seem to sustain results for longer than a few months,
-Her husband said to her when she joined Defined Fitness, "I think you should just save the money that this is going to cost. You'll just do it for a few months and then start looking for another way to lose weight that will cost us more money"
-Her time is limited. Between family and her job, she has little time for herself.
-Because she doesn't feel like she looks good, her self confidence is low and its affecting her in every aspect of her life. 

Does any of this sound familiar? 
We know what a struggle it can be to get the fit body that you really want but just can't seem to find the discipline to get there. It's frustrating to start a program to see some immediate results and then start "cheating a little" and suddenly all your efforts to shed that excess weight turns into another disappointment and humiliation over not being able to stick with it. 

What is your plan for losing that unwanted fat and feeling more fit in 2014? Do you know exactly what your going to do? We're ramping up the 2014 New Year New You Contest which gives you all the tools you'll need to finally win your battle of the bulge and banish that muffin top forever! 

Do you want to win $3,000?

Resister today for the 8 week body transformation challenge that will change your life. Have you been putting off getting your body and health into the best shape of your life? Are you starting to get tired of all the excuses? Well we are going to give you the secrets to fat loss that no one wants to share with you. We are going to get you on the fast track to success! All in just 8 weeks!

Challenge starts February 3rd 

$100 registration fee for all members and non members going to the $3,000 pot. 
**This must be paid before February 3rd to participate  
                        (Pot is subject to change, 10 teams of 3 contestants is needed to achieve $3,000 grand prize)

Special membership options for non members who want to compete
Contestants may pick their own teams or have DF draft pick a team or a member for them 
Bi-weekly measurements to determine standings
Winning team will be announced on March 31st
Winning team is determined by the highest percent of combined body fat lost 

There will be a special New Year New You Team Training work-out every Saturday at 10 am during the 8 weeks  for all contestants who want to work out together! 

If you are interested please sign up, call or email at DF asap! Spots will fill up fast! 
Good Luck Guys!  Make 2014 your best year ever!!!
11885 Perry Highway Suite B, Wexford Pa 15090

No refunds are given after the registration fee is paid
If anyone or team is caught using laxatives or dehydration tactics the entire team will be disqualified
If a team member drops out their last weigh-in will be used for the teams score

Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 day Personal Training Expericence for $69. Your 30 days includes 4 Small Group Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Group Metabolic Conditioning Sessions, a Fitness Program designed for your goals and needs and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started, what do you have to lose? 724-934-2000

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fight Cold & Flu Season With Exercise

That's right, regular exercise will help to boost your immune system helping to prevent you from catching a cold and the flu this year.

Here's what some of the research has shown:

  • Recreational exercisers reported fewer colds after beginning a regular exercise routine.
  • Moderate exercise creates a temporary boost in the production of macrophages, the cells that attack bacteria.
  • During exercise immune cells circulate through the body more quickly, which makes them better able to kill viruses and bacteria.
  • Dr. David Nieman, of Appalachian State University has found that those who exercise at 70-75 percent for 40 minutes per day have half as many sick days than those who don't.

We Change Lives!

Ready to change your life in 2014?
Get started today with our 30-Day Personal Training   Experience for only $69. Your 30 days include: 4 Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Team Training Sessions, Fitness Program Design, and unlimited access to the facility. Call today to get started 724-934-2000.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Frequent Sweaters

The list is in and we had another big month with frequent sweaters! Great job guys continuing to get those 10 visits in even over the Holiday Season. Below will be the list of December Sweaters, but first since you guys have done a great job and a huge majority of you get your visits we decided to kick it up a notch and make things a little more competitive! Instead of monthly prizes everyone who makes 10 visits or more for 3 consecutive months will earn a prize, but it doesn't stop there, for every 6 months, 9 months and 12 months you make it 10 visits or more you will get something for each 3 month marker. Now these do have to be 10 or more visits a month all in a row! If you don't make it one month you start from the very beginning also to qualify every member must scan their ownselves in! It is just part of the competition ! If you have any other questions feel free to ask a team member!

December F.S.
Ann Valcarcel
Lisa Paulson
Chris McCuen
Rosemary Robinson
Sheryl Simon
Ann Miner
Mark Paulson
Debbie Crissinger
Robin Jimerson
Deanne Braksator
Paula Tagliaferro
Beckie Brown
Mary Ann Rusbarsky
John Mozdzien
Karen Laughrey
Kim Hays
Kathy Weber-Clark
Allison Henne
Char Friel
Lynn Brehm
John Friel
Eleanor Sargent
Judy Robison
Claire Hartman
Barb Sippel
Denny Allerton
Adrienne Rively
Setta Labach
Leah Rusbarsky
Diane Staniland
Jayme Butcher
Nina Faber
Heather Zottoli
Diane Marzula
Mary Eyler
Jan Hutchison 
Great Job Guys ! Keep it up going into the New Year! 

Again we will have to close on Saturdays from NOW on at 11am sorry for any inconvenience

And Finally 
We want to thank everyone for changing their shoes at the door! It keeps the floor clean and dry for everyone!

Ready to change your life? Get started today with our 30 day Personal Training experince for $69. Your 30 days includes 4 Small Group Personal Training sessions, Unlimited Team Training, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started 724-934-2000 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Is Your Body Properly Fueled?

Two things are absolutely necessary to be successful in any weight loss effort:  Exercise and Nutrition

In regards to the nutrition aspect, we need to get out of the mindset of living to eat and start eating to live.  Instead of coming home from an exhausting day and wondering what sounds good or what will make us feel better after a hard day, we need to stop and think, “What nutrients am I missing from what I have consumed so far today?”  Instead of walking into the restaurant and browsing the menu for what jumps out at us or what we are in the mood for, stop and think about what our body needs.  Have I had enough vegetables for the day?  No? Then the grilled steak or chicken salad might be the best option (yes, minus the fries, you know better!).  Have you had enough protein?  No?  Then the grilled fish with vegetables might be your choice.  The point we are trying to make here is to disconnect emotion from eating.  In a lame but effective comparison, imagine bringing your dream car home from the dealership.  You take great care of your new possession.  You spend a lot of time and money on making sure the outside stays looking great, washing, waxing, getting it detailed.  But, you also need to make sure the engine of the car is working well by making sure there is sufficient gas, changing the oil, checking levels on the transmission fluid, windshield wiper fluid, antifreeze and so on.  Without giving the car all the necessary items needed to make your car run efficiently, your cars’ performance will decline dramatically over time.  Our bodies are very similar to that scenario, if we do not give it enough gas (calories from food), we will eventually run down.  If we do not feed it the right calories i.e., muscle-building protein, healthy fats, essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables and yes energy from healthy carbohydrates, our body will not run at peak performance either.

There is not one of us who needs that sugary dessert for nutrients.  We want or crave that dessert for emotional reasons.  If we start to ask ourselves before we eat anything, do I need this or do I just want this, it will eventually become second nature to be drawn to what we need to eat to be healthy rather than grabbing what sounds good.

We Change Lives!

Ready to change your life in 2014? Get started today with our 30-Day Personal Training   Expericene for only $69. Your 30 days include: 4 Personal Training Sessions, Unlimited Team Training Sessions, Fitness Program Design, and unlimited access to the facility. Call to day to get started 724-934-2000.

Scheduling Change:
In 2014 we are caking that everyone schedule their sessions 24 hours in advance, this is so that we can determine how many coaches to have available to coach you. If you are not scheduled 24 hours prior there will not be a coach available.