Thursday, September 12, 2013

10 Key Points For Nutrition

  1. Eliminate Processed Foods – “If it was made to sit on the shelf for years, if will sit on your butt, belly and hips just as long.” Your goal should be to eat as much of your food as possible in its natural state. This means if it’s in a box or a wrap it’s processed and not the best choice.
  2. Keep a Food Journal – We’ve seen over and over that those who see the best results keep a daily food journal. Some prefer paper and pencil, others prefer an app. What you use doesn’t matter as long as you do it. Simple but effective!!
  3.  Eat Protein – A higher protein diet will result in greater fat loss and muscle gain than a low protein diet. Protein, which is found in red meat, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy, contains amino acids that are the building block of muscles. These are needed to rev up your metabolism and help you shed fat. This happens through the process of building muscle tissue, which requires your body to burn more calories. Also, when you have more muscle on your body, it gives you toned and sculpted muscle definition.
  4.  Eat Good Quality Carbs In Moderation – Low carb diets tend to result in greater and faster fat loss. But, not all carbs are bad. The problem with carbs is when they become processed they have many preservatives and artificial ingredients added to them. Baked potatoes, rice, quinoa, and oats are all good choices and should be eaten occasionally throughout the week. Breads and pastas however tend to be highly processed and have numerous artificial ingredients added to them. These two should be avoided.
  5. Load Up On Veggies – Not only do vegetables contain numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as contain high amounts of fiber they also are very low in calories. Eat as many veggies as you can each day.
  6. Watch Your Fruit Intake - We recommend 1-2 servings of fruit each day. More than this and you may bring in to much daily sugar.
  7. Say No To Sugar – Skip desserts, candy, processed carbs, fruit juices, soda and snack foods. These foods all contain high amounts of sugar and very little nutritional value and are a great way to gain body fat.
  8.  Finish Your Workout With A Recovery Shake – Immediately after your workout your body begins to look to nutrients to start the recovery process. The best way to get these nutrients is through a Recovery Shake. This will keep your metabolism running higher and produce greater results.
  9.  Labeling Is Deceiving – Don’t fall for the food industry’s sneaky marketing tricks. Labeling things as “natural”, “whole grain”, “gluten free”, “low fat or fat free”, and “low sugar or sugar free” does not mean they are healthy choices. You are always best eating a food, as close to it’s natural state as possible.
  10. Don’t Drink Your Calories – They number one way to gain weight is to drink calories. This means no soda, juice (even 100% juice), sports drinks, and coffee drinks. The best things you can drink are water, green teas, coffee (no more than 2 cups per day), and unsweetened teas. And NO “diet” versions are not better!
We Change Lives!

Interested in dropping two jeans sizes by Thanksgiving while the majority will gain over the holidays? Defined Fitness will be kicking off their 4th Annual "Rock Your Jeans!" Challenge on Saturday, September 28th at 10 a.m.

Here is how it works:
  • Bring in a pair of jeans that is 1-2 sizes too small.
  • We keep your jeans and have periodic try on dates through out the challenge.
  • At the end of the challenge you are able to wear jeans that are two sizes smaller than when you started.
  • The challenge starts September 30th and will end November 25th. (8 weeks long)
  • DF Members can sign-up for $79.
  • Nonmembers can sign-up for 2 payments of $189.
  • Registration fee includes: "Rock Your Jeans" Workout Program, 1 Personal Training session per week, unlimited Group Metabolic Team Training, 2 progress meeting times each week, official "Rock Your Jeans" nutrition journal and t-shirt.
Are your jeans taunting you from the back of your closet? Don't keep telling yourself you will get back into them someday. Call us at 724-934-2000 today for details and make someday TODAY!! You can lose two jeans sizes in 8 weeks!

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