Thursday, September 26, 2013

Time Is Running To Lose 2 Jean Sizes In Only 8 Weeks!

Have you registered for our 4th Annual "Rock Your Jeans" Challenge yet? If not what are you waiting for? With this challenge you will be 2 jeans sizes smaller in only 8 weeks!

Interested in dropping two jeans sizes by Thanksgiving while the majority will gain over the holidays? Defined Fitness will be kicking off their 4th Annual "Rock Your Jeans!" Challenge on Saturday, September 28th at 10 a.m.

Here is how it works:
  • Bring in a pair of jeans that is 1-2 sizes too small.
  • We keep your jeans and have periodic try on dates through out the challenge.
  • At the end of the challenge you are able to wear jeans that are two sizes smaller than when you started.
  • The challenge starts September 30th and will end November 25th. (8 weeks long)
  • DF Members can sign-up for $79.
  • Nonmembers can sign-up for 2 payments of $189.
  • Registration fee includes: "Rock Your Jeans" Workout Program, 1 Personal Training session per week, unlimited Group Metabolic Team Training, 2 progress meeting times each week, official "Rock Your Jeans" nutrition journal and t-shirt.
Are your jeans taunting you from the back of your closet? Don't keep telling yourself you will get back into them someday. Call us at 724-934-2000 today for details and make someday TODAY!! You can lose two jeans sizes in 8 weeks!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hey Guys!

Hey Guys just a quick reminder DF will be closed Wednesday September 18th during the day from 12pm-4pm and will be closed 12pm-4pm everyday for the remainder of the week and into the next week. Normal hours resume Thursday September 26th and we will be open all day. We apologize for any inconveniences
Sorry about messing up the dates :)


Remember to wear your favorite team attire on Fridays for Fan Favorite Fridays and stop at the front desk to get your name written down, we will be doing a drawing every month until January for a secret prize!

Be on the look out very soon for details involving our 30's of Halloween Fitness Hustle AND DF Halloween Party for all participants 




READY TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Get Started today with our 30-day trial Membership for $69. Your 30 days include 4 Personal training sessions, Unlimited Metabolic conditioning sessions, a fitness program designed for your goals and needs and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started 724-934-2000

Thursday, September 12, 2013

10 Key Points For Nutrition

  1. Eliminate Processed Foods – “If it was made to sit on the shelf for years, if will sit on your butt, belly and hips just as long.” Your goal should be to eat as much of your food as possible in its natural state. This means if it’s in a box or a wrap it’s processed and not the best choice.
  2. Keep a Food Journal – We’ve seen over and over that those who see the best results keep a daily food journal. Some prefer paper and pencil, others prefer an app. What you use doesn’t matter as long as you do it. Simple but effective!!
  3.  Eat Protein – A higher protein diet will result in greater fat loss and muscle gain than a low protein diet. Protein, which is found in red meat, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy, contains amino acids that are the building block of muscles. These are needed to rev up your metabolism and help you shed fat. This happens through the process of building muscle tissue, which requires your body to burn more calories. Also, when you have more muscle on your body, it gives you toned and sculpted muscle definition.
  4.  Eat Good Quality Carbs In Moderation – Low carb diets tend to result in greater and faster fat loss. But, not all carbs are bad. The problem with carbs is when they become processed they have many preservatives and artificial ingredients added to them. Baked potatoes, rice, quinoa, and oats are all good choices and should be eaten occasionally throughout the week. Breads and pastas however tend to be highly processed and have numerous artificial ingredients added to them. These two should be avoided.
  5. Load Up On Veggies – Not only do vegetables contain numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as contain high amounts of fiber they also are very low in calories. Eat as many veggies as you can each day.
  6. Watch Your Fruit Intake - We recommend 1-2 servings of fruit each day. More than this and you may bring in to much daily sugar.
  7. Say No To Sugar – Skip desserts, candy, processed carbs, fruit juices, soda and snack foods. These foods all contain high amounts of sugar and very little nutritional value and are a great way to gain body fat.
  8.  Finish Your Workout With A Recovery Shake – Immediately after your workout your body begins to look to nutrients to start the recovery process. The best way to get these nutrients is through a Recovery Shake. This will keep your metabolism running higher and produce greater results.
  9.  Labeling Is Deceiving – Don’t fall for the food industry’s sneaky marketing tricks. Labeling things as “natural”, “whole grain”, “gluten free”, “low fat or fat free”, and “low sugar or sugar free” does not mean they are healthy choices. You are always best eating a food, as close to it’s natural state as possible.
  10. Don’t Drink Your Calories – They number one way to gain weight is to drink calories. This means no soda, juice (even 100% juice), sports drinks, and coffee drinks. The best things you can drink are water, green teas, coffee (no more than 2 cups per day), and unsweetened teas. And NO “diet” versions are not better!
We Change Lives!

Interested in dropping two jeans sizes by Thanksgiving while the majority will gain over the holidays? Defined Fitness will be kicking off their 4th Annual "Rock Your Jeans!" Challenge on Saturday, September 28th at 10 a.m.

Here is how it works:
  • Bring in a pair of jeans that is 1-2 sizes too small.
  • We keep your jeans and have periodic try on dates through out the challenge.
  • At the end of the challenge you are able to wear jeans that are two sizes smaller than when you started.
  • The challenge starts September 30th and will end November 25th. (8 weeks long)
  • DF Members can sign-up for $79.
  • Nonmembers can sign-up for 2 payments of $189.
  • Registration fee includes: "Rock Your Jeans" Workout Program, 1 Personal Training session per week, unlimited Group Metabolic Team Training, 2 progress meeting times each week, official "Rock Your Jeans" nutrition journal and t-shirt.
Are your jeans taunting you from the back of your closet? Don't keep telling yourself you will get back into them someday. Call us at 724-934-2000 today for details and make someday TODAY!! You can lose two jeans sizes in 8 weeks!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Frequent Sweaters!

The results are in guys and we had a whopping 42 Frequent Sweaters this month! Congrats guys! 

Amanda Della Penna                                  Sheryl Simon
Sharon Crocker                                           Brenda Lewis
Karen Ott                                                       Lynn Brehm
Jim Werkmester                                            Ann Miner
Penny Roy                                                 Eleanor Sargent
Michelle Conley                                         Judy Robison
Camille Kurtanich                                           Jo Stone
John Grimm                                                 Ann Valcarcel 
Claire Hartman                                            Melanie West
Jackie Saladino                                        Michael Sulkoske
Sherri Edwards                                            Lisa Paulson
Mark Paulson                                              Chris McCuen 
Marianne Salzman                                        Mike Doak
Darlene Bartos                                      Rosemary Robinson
Joyce McGuirk                                            Denny Allerton
Leah Rusbarsky                                      Debbie Crissinger
John Walton                                              Lauren Verona
Michele McCann                                     Deanne Braksator
Diane Staniland                                         Beckie Brown
Mary Ann Rusbarsky                                  Elisa Sanders
Kerry Schurman                                         John Mozdzien

Water Bottles are on their way guys! We will start handing them out at the front desk soon!
**Remember to Scan your membership cards every time your in! 

PFC Bio-Whey Special!!
This week only guys buy a 2.5lb tub of bio-whey and receive a FREE shake!!
Offer ends Saturday 9/14/2013 at 2pm

Get your recovery on! 


Interested in dropping two jean sizes by Thanksgiving while the majority will gain over the holidays?
Defined Fitness Kicks off our 4th Annual Rock Your Jeans Challenge!!!

Are your jeans taunting you from the back of your closet? Don't keep telling yourself you will get back into them someday
Call today for details and make someday TODAY!!
Lose two jean sizes in 8 weeks!

8 Week Challenge Starts
September 30th and Ends November 25th

Kickoff Presentation
Saturday September 28th

Rock Your Jeans Kickoff Workout
Saturday September 28th

Hurry Limited Spots Available! 



Ready to change your life?
Get Started with our 30 day trial membership for $69. Your 30-days include 4 personal training sessions, unlimited group metabolic conditioning sessions, and a fitness program designed for your goals and needs and unlimited use of the facility for 30 days! Call today to get started! 724-934-2000. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

How Do You Drop 2 Jean Sizes In 8 Weeks!

Do you have jeans stored away taunting you from the back of your closet? Imagine being able to pull out those jeans that you haven’t worn in years and actually be able to wear them? What if that could be in only 8 weeks?

Sound too good to be true? Well, with the following five tips you will be able to do just that and wear jeans that are two sizes smaller!

Lift Heavy And On Two Feet - Light weights and high reps is a thing of the 90's. To get your body to change you need to be lifting weight that is heavy and challenging for low reps. Yes, this means getting out of your comfort zone. This will recruit more muscle fibers, which means a greater calorie burn and a bigger boost to the metabolism. And as a result give you that lean, toned, sculpted, muscular body you've been looking for. Little light weights for high reps on the other hand will keep you flabby. Also, if you are like most people you probably spend a good portion of your day sitting, whether it's behind a desk, in the car, or on the couch. All of this sitting leads to muscular imbalances and poor posture, which is why you need to be up on two feet when working out. This will get the muscles of the core involved along with more muscles overall leading to an increase in calorie burn and metabolism. So get off the machines and up on your feet and start doing some real exercise.

Train the Body As One Unit - If you are like most you probably aren't aspiring to become the next Mr. or Mrs. Universe, so why are you training like him/her. Focusing on one area of the body is another dated approach to fitness and is actually the product of the bodybuilding world. Instead focus on training your entire body every time you are in the gym. This means total body movements, such as a squat and press, rather that isolation exercises like bicep curls and leg extensions.

45 minutes, 3 Times Per Week - Time is valuable and probably in short supply for most, but the good news is that you only need to get in 45 minutes three times per week to see results. If fact, recent research has shown that shorter more intense workouts of around 45 minutes produce greater results than workouts lasting longer. Also, if you are working out more than three days per week you are not getting the most out of your workouts because your body is not fully recovered and as a result not able to work as hard in each workout. Results are achieved through intensity, not length or amount of time.

Train Explosively - The faster a muscle can contract the stronger that muscle is and the stronger your muscles are the leaned your body is. Training explosively means any movement that is performed as fast as possible without compromising form. On a side note, when our bodies are able to move quicker and react quicker they help us to recover from life's trip, slips, and falls by regaining our balance and/or falling gracefully, which means less chance of injury.

Train the Core - By now everyone knows that they need to be strengthening their core, but what most don't know is how to do it correctly. Many people try to strengthen their core with sit-ups and crunches, but this is not the most effective way to improve core strength. Instead, focus on core exercises that prevent extension and rotation and you will build a stronger and more defined midsection.

Are you ready to go from a size 16 to a 12, a 14 to a 10, or even a 12 to an 8 in just 8 weeks? Defined Fitness will be running their 4th Annual “Rock Your Jeans” Challenge starting September 28th, 2013, which will give you all the tools needed to drop 2 jeans sizes in 8 weeks. Call 724-934-2000 for more information and to reserve your spot or visit online at