Thursday, March 1, 2012

Track Your Progress

"You can't out train a bad diet." You've heard this said before, but eating healthy is not always easy, especially when everything you currently are eating is wrong.

So rather than make a complete overhaul overnight, which never works, pick one thing that you could do differently that you aren't currently doing that will move you closer to your goal.

Once you determine what that one thing is, ask yourself how confident on a level of 1-10 you are that you can do it. If it's less than a 9 simplify it. No matter how small, it will have a positive impact on your success. After all a bunch of small successes will add up to one huge success.

Now there is one more step. You need to track it. The easiest way to track it is to get a calendar and for each day that you do what you said you where going to do write a big X on that day. The goal is to create a long chain of X's. Once you complete a chain of 7-10 X's you are ready to move on to focusing on something else to improve. If you break the chain, start over. And once you complete a chain you must keep that habit as well.

Bring a BUDDY Month!! We are excited to announce that we are extending our hours (5:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m., starting March 13th) and adding more Group Personal Training & Small Group Personal Training Sessions in a new format. And we want to you and your friends to experience all the exciting and new additions we will be offering. More details to come.

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