Friday, October 28, 2011

It's All In Your Head!!

Great blog post this week from our mentor Rachel Cosgrove who owns Results Fitness in Santa Clarita, CA with her husband Alwyn and who she is also the author of the Female Body Breakthrough.

Read her article "I Think I Can!" here.

Mark Your Calendar - Tuesday November 1st we will be kicking off our NEW Accountability Program. The presentation and details will be given at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, but if you can't make it no worries. You can still get involved and we will post the presentation. For more information call us at 724-934-2000

Friday, October 7, 2011

Think More Clearly With Exercise

Great article on this week titled "The Creative Brain on Exercise" read the full article here. The article looked at the benefits of exercise for artists, writers, entrepreneurs, and business execs and how it helps them thinking more clear and creatively, which leads them to better work and greater successes. Many people feel that they are just too busy to exercise, but those who do make the time to exercise find that they are actually more productive. Part of this may be do to the fact the exercise helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which can be causes by extreme demands and pressures or work. 

A 2004 University of Southern Mississippi study found that the more intense the exercise was the less physical symptoms of anxiety where shown by participants. Along with a 1999 Finnish study of 3,403 people found that those who exercised 2-3 times per week experienced less depression, anger, stress, and cynical distrust than those who didn't exercise.

While it may not be that exercise specifically is leading to greater creativity and success the relief it gives from stress and anxiety is. You don't have to exercise everyday to get these benefits, by making 60 minutes 3 times per week you will see great improves and notice that you start feeling better and are becoming more productive.
What Our Members Say!! 

“What sold me on Defined Fitness was a friend at work who has worked out for years on different programs. After seeing the changes in her body in just a few weeks at Defined Fitness I said to myself, ‘I need to join there!’ After my first 30 days I’ve already lost 9 pounds of body fat myself.”
            - Tina M.

Need A Speaker? We are currently looking for opportunities to speak in our local community and would love to speak to your group! It interested contact Tammy at 724-934-2000 or

Ready To Lose 2 Jeans Sizes in ONLY 8 Weeks!! Get started today with a 30-Day Trial Membership for only $89 call 724-934-2000.

Steelers Friday's  - every Friday until the end of football season wear you Steeler (or favorite team - if not the Steelers) jerseys and t-shirts to show you love for your team!