Thursday, September 29, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip of the Week #47

More Complex Movements Burn More Calories

This past month a colleague of ours and fellow Results Fitness Biz Mastermind Member Josh Henkin of Ultimate Sandbag Training released the results of small study he recently did. He looked at 3 different exercises that are typically used for metabolic conditioning (burning fat), a kettlebell two handed swing, the rope, and a sandbag rotational lunge and then measured calories burned and average heart rate. 

The results found that the kettlebell swing burned 53 calories for 100 reps as fast as possible and an average heart rate of 121 beats per minute. The rope (both hands up and down) burned 45 calories for 200 reps as fast as possible and had an average heart rate of 125 beats per minute. And the sandbag rotational lunge burned 83 calories for 50 reps to each side and had an average heart rate of 141 beats per minute. 

While all of these exercises are more effective fat loss tools than aerobics we can see that the more complex and exercise is the more calories will be burned once the movement is mastered.  

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