Thursday, February 10, 2011

Defined Fitness Tip For Results #14: Exercise For Everyday Life

So often people only think of exercising to lose weight, get in shape for a specific event, or something athletes do to prepare for a sport. But, the reality is that it is much more.

Think of everything you do in a typical day. How many squats do you do in a day? Every time you get up and down from or to a seated position you squat, so probably at least a couple dozen each day.

What happens when a package is delivered to your doorstep? You have to perform a deadlift to pick it up.

However, due to less and less activity in our day to day lives we are getting more and more deconditioned and losing our joint mobility and range of motion. As a result of this decrease in our mobility we are beginning to compromise our movements in order to do them. So now when we sit up or down from a chair we no longer squat down properly, which can compromise the knees. Or when we pick up that package we can't stabilize our core, don't use our hips and instead bend over with our legs straight and back bent, which hurts our back.

In order to prevent this we need a training program that focuses on all of our functional movement patterns, stabilizes our core, and helps us perform better in our day to day lives, like the following. This will not only improve your movement patterns, but also improve your stamina.

Circuit #1:
DB Squat & Press
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

Circuit #2:
Kettle Bell Swing
Push Up
Alternating Lunge
Side Plank

To get started on a program like this and get into the best shape of your life click here or call 724-934-2000 and get started with your 30-Day Trial for only $89!

Bring Your Sweet Heart to Class on Monday February make a Valentine's Day date with your sweet heart and come workout together at 6:15 p.m. in our evening class. See you there!

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