Friday, October 8, 2010

The 4th Quarter

We have now entered what retailers and businesses call Q4. The fourth quarter of the year.

2010 has flown by – for me at least.

But here we are – in October already. Only 3 months until 2011 and you’re setting the same old New Year’s Resolutions…again.

But before you get too depressed and think that thee year is over – let me point out that 3 months is a long time – you can get a lot done in 3 months. And there’s no rule that states you can only set goals on Dec 31st. You can start progress towards a goal anytime….

Is your goal to lose fat? You could EASILY lose 2 or 3lbs per week by starting now, tightening up your training and diet and focusing your efforts. You’ve got 13 weeks until New Years Eve. That would mean somewhere between 25-40lbs gone.

There’s 13 weeks left in the year. Imagine starting 2010 having lost 20-40lbs more fat. Get started on a solid, effective, fast-acting fat loss program today.

Muscle gain? By Jan 1 you’ll could have possibly made 8-10lbs of solid gains in muscle.

If you’re on track with your 2010 goals- don’t lose momentum.
If you’re behind schedule – step it up.

And if you haven’t even started – it’s NOT too late. Make your 2010 Quarter Four Resolutions now and get a jump start on 2010.

Don’t let the next three months slide by without doing something! Get started today with our 30-Day Trial membership for only $89. Your 30-Day Trial Membership includes: a complete fitness evaluation, movement screening, custom fitness program design, 8 fitness coaching sessions, unlimited group fitness "Metabolic Express" classes, and unlimited access to the facility for a full 30 days. Call 724-934-2000 to get started!


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