Thursday, September 30, 2010

Virtual Tour

Here is a quick tour of our facility the night of our Grand Opening 9/9/10.

Click the link to view!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3 Exercises For Flat Abs

Get started today with our 30-Day Trial Membership for only $89. Your trial membership includes: Complete evaluation, fitness program design, 8 sessions with a fitness coach, unlimited access to our "Metabolic Express" classes, unlimited access to the facility. Call today 724-934-2000

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Run to Lose Weight?

So as you were getting dressed to go out this weekend you went to put on a pair of jeans that you hadn’t worn in awhile only to find out that they didn’t fit like they used to. “I guess its time to start exercising,” you say to yourself with a sigh and decide that on Monday you will start running. But, what if running actually made you fatter?

According to a 2006 research studies findings (published in the Int. J. Obes.) found that men and women who ran the same weekly mileage, regardless of amount, actually gained weight each year.

Probably not the outcome you are hoping for? But, that is just one study!

Ok, fair enough.

Another study from the same journal found that the addition of 4 hours of aerobic training per week had no effect on weight loss.

Still skeptical?

The researchers of a 1999 study found that 3 aerobic sessions per week of 50 minutes only resulted in 1 pound more of fat lost than dieting alone. That’s a lot of work for only 1 pound.

So how do you lose fat?

The researchers of the above 1999 study found that resistance training resulted in 35% more fat loss than dieting and aerobic training.

In 1994 researchers Tremblay et al. found that a 15 week interval training program resulted in 9x more fat loss than a 20 week aerobic training program, despite the fact that the aerobic group burned twice the number of calories as the interval group.

As it turns out there is a hierarchy of fat loss. At the top is resistance training and interval training and all the way at the bottom in aerobic training. So if your goal is to lose fat and trim and tone your body, focus on resistance training and intervals training.


Call 724-934-2000 today to get started on a 30-Day Trial membership for only $89. This will give you access to 8 fitness coaching sessions, the facility, and our Metabolic Express Workout Classes